An original by Erv Goller, click the image to see it full size
Erv was in two branches of the service, both the United States Army and the United States Air Force from 1951 to 1952 and from 1955 to 1958 respectively. Honorably discharged both times. The first discharge from the Army was because of an ill mother who had a brain tumor. His second discharge was from the Air Force because of his own medical reasons.
Erv began his career at the United States Postal Service in 1959, but not permanent until a few years later. Erv has been retired from the United States Postal Service since 1996 with 35 years of service and since then has realized some of his dreams. He's taken classes in acrylic painting, woodcarving and right now taking organ lessons.
Erv has taught beginning computer classes at LaFarge which is an over 50 continuing education school. Annually invited back to the volunteer luncheon.
Erv has given countless volunteer hours to the Wauwatosa Public Library and annually there is a luncheon that thanks all the volunteers for that library from people shelving books to the members of the Board and Foundation.
He has been a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars and has been Chaplain and Commander of his Post and received a white hat from the state VFW for work accomplished in the year he was Commander. He has continued work for the VFW since then and has volunteered service at such events as Bastille Days and parades and flag raising on Flag Day.
Has been a member of the Diversity Committee of the United States Postal Service Milwaukee Branch since before retirement and continued through to the present. In June of 2000 was presented a plaque and an eagle feather and commendation for tireless work on various conferences and events surrounding the Diversity Committee such as: being a mentor to an underprivileged child at Christmas time, work on Cinco de Mayo events, and Success Seminars.
Erv has had a small business since 1963 selling everything from greeting cards to SlimGyms and continues to operate with general merchandise and antiques and collectibles.
Erv has a daughter; son-in-law and three grandchildren who are his pride and joy.
Erv collects boxers (china, etc. dogs) and eagles.
the image to see Erv
Goller's 2002 photo
Erv Goller, born January 3, 1933, passed away on December 6, 2007. Cause of death was the effects of Alzheimer's Disease. See our Alzheimer's subsite Tribute pages